Fort Collins Bounty Hunter Questioned in Shooting

An investigation into the shooting of two men in Fort Collins, Colorado is focused on a local bounty hunter, Vonshay McCarthur. On June 15, Lupe and Roger Sanchez were allegedly shot by McCarthur after he contacted Lupe Sanchez in regards to an outstanding warrant. Charges are pending in the shooting until the police investigation is complete.

McCarthur was questioned by police hours after the incident. According to McCarthur, the Sanchez’s who both had felony warrants, tried to hit him with a vehicle they were driving. The incident occurred in a parking lot of near Rocky Mountain High School. McCarthur said that he started shooting when the car came towards him, hitting both Lupe and Roger Sanchez. Both victims suffered minor injuries and have since been detained in county jail for additional violations.

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While the facts according to McCarthur seem cut and dry, some questions linger. First, police are looking into why it took four hours after the shooting for McCarthur to call them. Second, questions regarding why both McCarthur and the victims fled the scene remain.

The shooting also has opened up a discussion about inadequate regulations for bounty hunters in Colorado. In 2012 laws regulating training and background check requirements were repealed in the state. Bail agents no longer have to run background checks on bounty hunters that they hire. Additionally, bounty hunters are no longer required to take a course on bail enforcement.

“The only recourse is private lawsuits … if something goes wrong,” stated Vincent Plymell, speaking on behalf of the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies.

Despite the lack of regulations, bounty hunters must still abide by the laws. While a bounty hunter can be given the authority to make an arrest, they can face criminal charges if it is found they used excessive force.

In the meantime, McCarthur’s case continues to be investigated to determine if the shooting was self-defense, in which case, no charges will be filed.

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